Friday, July 1, 2011

Remembering My Sister Pam

Does your chewing gum loose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? My sister, Pam, requested that this wacky little song be played at her celebration of life service. Of course, it was. I think about her every day. I miss her easy laughter, her irreverence and her insights into human relationships.Pam, my sister, died five years ago of lung cancer and it struck me especially hard because she was younger than me, she hadn’t smoked for thirty years and she was much too loved to die.

Pam was an intervention counselor for substance abuse and she was good at it. During her memorial service, when learning I was her brother, several people told me she saved their lives. Wow, my little sister with her infectious sense of humor and collection of wacky songs, had a lasting and profound impact on peoples’ lives.

People were drawn to her and wanted to be near when she was telling a funny story or listening with heartfelt empathy and understanding. She pulled you in and you always felt loved in her presence.

When discovered, the cancer was too advanced and too virulent to be arrested. I often wish that I had had a few more years with her but I know that she’s in heaven distributing joy and uplifting messages to everyone she meets.

--Denny Scott

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