K.D. Hardy also swims for River, and has been on both club and school swim teams for several years. This upcoming school season will be her 6th as well. She has been helping plan this event since November or December when the idea was first suggested. K.D. has helped us get a pool, as well as planning how the event will actually work.
Elizabeth Laughlin isn't a swimmer, she's just wonderful enough to offer to help with this endeavor. She also has been on board since the very beginning, Elizabeth has helped us get our logo, as well as other aspects of this project, such as brainstorming sponsors, names, and being willing to help with anything.
Kathryn Cronin has only been a swimmer for one season, but she is just as vital to this as everyone else. She has helped design brochures and gain sponsors, even with her busy IB schedule. She is also the mastermind behind the brilliant name for this. She has agreed to help organize this event even though she will be in Paraguay for a month this summer.
Josh Nehnevaj will unfortunately be unable to actually attend Swim for Hope, as he will be participating in Portland to Coast. Even though he won't be able to attend, he has still been incredibly helpful, finding lifeguards, sponsors and information. He swims on both Vancouver Swim Club and the River swim team.
Thank you to all the people listed above for helping to make this event become reality.