Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Registration for our event is now open! If you wish to register, Email us!. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under, and free for children 6 and under, with paying adult. This cost will raise at the door, so be sure to pre-register now! If you have a Facebook, let us know if you are attending on our event page: Swim for Hope. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us!

We are still looking for stories about how cancer has touched your life, as well as volunteers, donations, and sponsors.

Thank you for our your support!
--Swim for Hope team:
Ariana, Elizabeth, Kathryn, K.D., Josh

Friday, July 22, 2011


2 Meals
At our event, we will be hosting a drawing with wonderful prizes from various companies, including all prizes listed here. The prizes have been donated from the Fisher's Landing locations. We will be selling tickets for $1 a piece, with 1 free ticket included with the registration cost, and a special deal of 10 tickets for $9. These prizes are highly valued, so please enter!
$25 Gift Certificate
3 Month Membership
Free Pie

3 Haircuts, Hair Products
Lunch Sack

Monday, July 18, 2011

How Cancer Has Impacted My Life

Being diagnosed with cancer at age 48 after a physical giving me a clean bill of health was like a slap in the face. Having had cancer has completely changed my life.  I have only been dealing with my new life for 4 years so the memories and emotions are still very raw.  I look at life a lot differently now. I don't feel very confident that I will live a long life.  It is always in the back of my mind that maybe the cancer is somewhere else in my body right now and I just don't know it yet.  My life is different now because the scars are a daily reminder of how with God's strength and grace I was able to escape death;....this time.  I look at each day in more detail now.... I notice the little things... a beautiful cloud in the sky, a flower that has just bloomed in my yard, the dragon flies that float effortlessly in my yard on a sunny summer afternoon.  I stress less on housework and more on staying healthy.  I think more about what I put in my mouth it chemiclly enhanced or organic?  I appreciate the realationships I have with a greater value...they are precious and priceless!  I sit back and watch my family members with more focus... capturing every word and action as a picture put into memory to keep for days when I need more strength...days when the cancer meds send me to bed with devastating migraine headaches that take me out of the game of life for sometimes up to 24 hours.  Why did I get cancer when no one in my family has had it... including my healthy 95 year old mother?
Although I do not understand the reason why I was chosen to get cancer I am thankful that I was able to fight through the process after diagnosis and have made it just to the other side of what is a new life path for me.  I am thankful for everyday and very scared because I don't know how many tomorrows I will have to enjoy.  I want many more because I have so much more living to do... I have so many more memories to create with my loving husband and two beautiful sons.  Cancer has taught me to never take anything for granted, to take time for the little things in life, to enjoy every minute that I have on this earth, and to know that even though fighting cancer is a lonely battle, God is always there to hold me up even when I am too weak to help.  Having cancer has given me a "new" life to live and it has given me the opportunity to connect with people, to share my story, and hopefully help others to find their disease early enough to fight back from it and find their "new" life. 
Candy Blankenbaker
Breast Cancer Survivor!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thank you Clark County Title!

Thank you to Clark County Title for generously donating $250 to help us reach our goals!
If you are interested in participating, sponsoring, volunteering, or sharing a story, please leave a comment below, send an email to or call Ariana Hoyer at (360)-253-6822. Thanks!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Remembering My Sister Pam

Does your chewing gum loose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? My sister, Pam, requested that this wacky little song be played at her celebration of life service. Of course, it was. I think about her every day. I miss her easy laughter, her irreverence and her insights into human relationships.Pam, my sister, died five years ago of lung cancer and it struck me especially hard because she was younger than me, she hadn’t smoked for thirty years and she was much too loved to die.

Pam was an intervention counselor for substance abuse and she was good at it. During her memorial service, when learning I was her brother, several people told me she saved their lives. Wow, my little sister with her infectious sense of humor and collection of wacky songs, had a lasting and profound impact on peoples’ lives.

People were drawn to her and wanted to be near when she was telling a funny story or listening with heartfelt empathy and understanding. She pulled you in and you always felt loved in her presence.

When discovered, the cancer was too advanced and too virulent to be arrested. I often wish that I had had a few more years with her but I know that she’s in heaven distributing joy and uplifting messages to everyone she meets.

--Denny Scott